Rabu, 31 Mei 2023

Elrios Taekwondo Package

Selasa, 30 Mei 2023

May 31st Patch Notes

★ On-going

  • Mod Force Skill Update Celebrate Event (1st)
    (2023-05-24 00:00 ~ 2023-06-06 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • Elrios Taekwondo Costume Suit Package
    (2023-05-31 00:00 ~ 2023-06-27 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Noah Gloomy Night Costume
    (2023-04-05 00:00 ~ 2023-05-30 23:59)
  • Noah Place of Radiant Memories Custom Sit Motion
    (2023-04-05 00:00 ~ 2023-05-30 23:59)
  • Noah Place of Unfulfilled Promises Custom Sit Motion
    (2023-04-05 00:00 ~ 2023-05-30 23:59)

Senin, 29 Mei 2023

Memorial Day Event

Rabu, 24 Mei 2023

[RESOLVED] Minor Bug Fixes Made

Dear Players,

We have already applied a fix with no server downtime. Please see below for more details:

  • Fixed an issue where the unfamiliar birds from Noah 4th Path’s Eternal Fog skill does not deal additional damage when used during Blood Moon Awakening Mode.

Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued support of the game.

– Elsword Team

New Mod Force Skills

Elsword, Aisha, Raven, and Eve’s 4th Path Mod Force Skills have arrived! Discover their new power and get amazing rewards while you do!

Selasa, 23 Mei 2023

[Announcement] The Royal Guard Rose TOURNAMENT Bracket

(Round 1)
HayaiArashi vs Nightcastle
LimeTrees vs Bambi
Miharushin vs SpammingSham
AkaHanabirat vs HarunaIsuku
Dorsa vs 4MS
Rosentu vs Moonshaa
SarahCrimson vs GunsSora
LenoreOres vs ZeeGunner

May 24th Patch Notes


  • 2023-05-24 00:00 ~ 2023-05-24 02:00 AM PDT


  • 4th Path New Change Skill
    • Elsword
    • Aisha
    • Raven
    • Eve

★ Added

  • Mod Force Skill Update Celebrate Event (1st)
    (2023-05-24 00:00 ~ 2023-06-06 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Super Growth Event
    (2023-04-26 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)
  • Prof. Pho’s Attendance Event
    (2023-05-10 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • Re-Order Shop
    • Luxury Wedding Premium Package (Elsword~Noah)
    • Elternal Wedding Premium Package (Elsword~Noah)
    • Gloomy Night Premium Package (Elsword~Laby)

    (2023-05-24 00:00 ~ 2023-06-06 23:59)


★ 4th Path Mod Skill (Elsword, Aisha, Raven, Eve)

Elsword, Aisha, Raven, Eve 4th Path Mod Skills are added.
Check the list below for the details on the newly added Mod Skills.

[Elsword 4th Path]

Skill Name Skill Type Skill Description
Persistent Rush Special Active Seek the closest enemy within the fan-shaped range ahe

ad and charge forward to pierce them.
(Can also be activated midair)
Vitality Skill
– Consumes Vitality Gauge and acquire Destructive Gauge
– MP consumption ↓ MP gains ↑ when Vitality activated

Reclaim Active Use the El Cycle energy to create a sword aura that shoots forward. The cycle energy will enable you to heal a set amount of HP depending on the damage and also may additionally recover MP.
Destruction Skill
– Consumes Destruction Gauge and acquire Vitality Gauge
– Attack Power ↑ when Destruction activated
No Mercy Special Active A giant purifying blade will drop in a concentrated area to eliminate any corrupt being.
(Can also be activated midair)
Destruction Skill
– Consumes Destruction Gauge and acquire Vitality Gauge
– Attack Power ↑ when Destruction activated
Divine Lift Special Active Thrust the purifying spear surrounded by El energy ahead and pull back, dragging the enemy back with it.
Vitality Skill
– Consumes Vitality Gauge and acquire Destructive Gauge
– MP consumption ↓ MP gains ↑ when Vitality activated

[Aisha 4th Path]

Skill Name Skill Type Skill Description
Pouring Beads Special Active [Aer Skill]
A giant pot will boil and exude gas from midair.
The rapidly formed gas will drop beads to attack.
The enemies hit will be poisoned for 5 sec.
Available for Memorize
This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize
Stance. (Memorize Stance: 2 sec. into stand still MP recovery state)
Press V key to activate the memorized skills in order.
Sparkler Spin Special Active [Mater Skill]
Create flashy sparkling fire.
The fire will spin rapidly and attack nearby enemies.
Enemies hit by fire will be poisoned and will receive continuous damage for 5 sec.
Available for Memorize
This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize
Stance. (Memorize Stance: 2 sec. into stand still MP recovery state)
Press V key to activate the memorized skills in order.
Detecting Gem Active [Mater Skill]
Create small crystals ahead.
The crystals will split 2 times and attack a large area.
Envelopes Special Active [Merus Skill]
Create a large gem that deals damage to enemies.
Available for Memorize
This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize
Stance. (Memorize Stance: 2 sec. into stand still MP recovery state)
Press V key to activate the memorized skills in order.

[Raven 4th Path]

Skill Name Skill Type Skill Description
Chilling Breath Special Active Surround yourself with hellish aura. Enemies hit will be Frozen.
Grasp Active Shoot fragments mutated by Valasia ahead. Upon hitting the target with the fragment or when the duration is over, the domain of Valasia will form at the location and deal continuous damage to enemies. 20% chance to apply [Freeze] when mutated fragment hits an enemy.
Interdiction Special Active Large Valasia thorns will shoot out and attack enemies. (Can also be activated midair)
[Valasia Response] Skill
Decrease elemental resistance of enemies with a Valasia Seed.
Sprout Special Active Swing your sword imbued with aura of Valasia and slash it diagonally. The parasitic Valasia will sprout from enemies hit by the sword aura and destroy them.
[Valasia Response] Skill
Increase damage from Physical Attack for enemies with a Valasia Seed.

[Eve 4th Path]

Skill Name Skill Type Skill Description
Slap Active Look down with disdain and deliver a cruel attack on the foolish beings.
Enemies hit will be stunned for 3 sec.
Core Activation Skill
– Successful attack made during awakening will activate the Core Attack
Red Screen Special Active [Moby Access]
Throw Moby’s malware capsule to the ground. As the capsule breaks, Red Screen Zone will be cast, confusing enemies within the area. (Can only be activated midair)
Core Activation Skill
– Successful attack made during awakening will activate the Core Attack
Rabbit Special Active [Moby Access]
Create countless black needles using the force field built from unknown program.
Core Activation Skill
– Successful attack made during awakening will activate the Core Attack
Junk Track Special Active The mercy bestowed by the Queen is something easily expendable. (Can also be activated midair)
Core Activation Skill
– Successful attack made during awakening will activate the Core Attack

★ Character


  • Fixed Energy Conversion effect activating even when not hitting an enemy when using Turtle Stance 4: Barrier.

[Elesis][Soar Knight]

  • Fixed being teleported or chased to the wrong location when using Chaser Sword in specific situations have been fixed.


  • Fixed not being able to receive EXP gain increase and ED gain increase in specific situation depending on the representing stat of Lu/Ciel.

    * As compensation of this issue, Lu/Ciel character will receive 5% of EXP in ERP EXP based on the normal EXP Gain Increase effect setting and dungeon playtime of Lu/Ciel. For ED, 3% of ED will be distributed based on the normal ED Gain Increase effect setting and the total ED gained by Lu/Ciel.
    Lu/Ciel’s ERP EXP reward and ED reward will be sent to the mailbox of the most recent login character on 06/07 MA.

    ERP EXP reward will be sent as EXP Reward Potion (Lu/Ciel) item. Right-click on EXP Reward Potion (Lu/Ciel) to have the allocated ERP EXP reward all applied. EXP Reward Item and ED can be moved through Shared Bank.

[Ain][Schatz Reprise]

  • Fixed being moved to the wrong location when using Heimsuchen in Phase 3 of Birth of Origin.

★ Dungeon/PvP/Field

  • Fixed being unable to defeat the remaining monsters in sporadic location on the first stage of Shadow Vein. 

★ Item

  • Fixed 2 set effect not applying when equipping Hologram Cat Accessory 3 set.


  • Fixed unnatural character location after custom motion preview in certain situations.
  • In Challenge Mode, fixed character nickname not being shown normally from notice window when clicking challenge start of the following dungeon without clearing the previous dungeon.
  • Fixed Vintage Flower Story Fishing Rod look being shown as Sturdy Fishing Rod.
  • In specific situations, when the hair dye is applied, then attempted to dye in another color, fixed the removed look being shown on the character.
  • Fixed mouse curser blinking abnormally in Item Mall.
  • Fixed remaining guild message post amount being revealed abnormally in specific situations.
  • Fixed Black Rock Armor and ‘Shutdown!’ title effect’s unnatural falling stone summoning effects.
  • In specific situations, fixed Attack Support and Damage Reduction contribution not being applied normally in dungeon results.

Rabu, 17 Mei 2023

12th Anniversary Art Contest Winners

12th Anniversary Pre-registration Winners

New Awakenings!


New Laby & Noah Custom Motions

Selasa, 16 Mei 2023

May 17th Patch Notes

★ On-going

  • Prof. Pho’s Attendance Event
    (2023-05-10 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)
  • Super Growth Event
    (2023-04-26 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • Noah Sunshine Convertible Custom Motion
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ 2023-07-11 23:59)
  • Noah Bluesky Convertible Custom Motion
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ 2023-07-11 23:59)
  • Laby Beat Elrios Custom Motion
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ 2023-07-11 23:59)
  • Noah Beat Elrios Custom Motion
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ 2023-07-11 23:59)
  • Chung Custom Awakening
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Rose Custom Awakening
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Elesis Custom Awakening
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Ain Custom Awakening
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Noah Custom Awakening
    (2023-05-17 00:00 ~ Permanent)

★ Ended

  • Re-Order Shop
    • Winter Casual Hair
    • Love Messenger Hair
    • Elternal Wedding Hair
    • Hamel High Swim Team Hair
    • Autumn Travels Hair
    • Dear Little Bird Hair
    • Elrios Noir Hair

    (2023-04-05 00:00 ~ 2023-05-16 23:59)

  • Deep Blue Eyes (Elsword ~ Laby)
    (2023-05-03 00:00 ~ 2023-05-16 23:59)
  • Noah Brilliant Knight Ice Burner
    (2023-03-22 00:00 ~ 2023-05-16 23:59)

Jumat, 12 Mei 2023

The Royal Guard Rose TOURNAMENT

Gunners from another world have gathered to battle! Find out which Rose will come out on top!

Rabu, 10 Mei 2023

New Costume: Fiore Cappella

Selasa, 09 Mei 2023

May 10th Patch Notes


  • 2023-05-10 00:00 ~ 2023-05-10 02:00 AM PDT

★ Added

  • Prof. Pho’s Attendance Event
    (2023-05-10 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)

★ On-going

  • Super Growth Event
    (2023-04-26 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • New Costume: Fiore Capella
    (2023-05-10 00:00 ~ 2023-06-06 23:59)

★ Ended

  • New Costume: Budding Flower
    (2023-04-12 00:00 ~ 2023-05-09 23:59)


★ Pre-Announcement

Please note that the phenomenon of the [Deals continuous damage by n% of damage dealt for 3 sec.] effect multiplying damage by the number of party members equipping the same effect will be fixed. (The damage is shown as intended on the result screen.) We understand that fixing this bug will likely lead to the party’s total damage decreasing, or the difficulty level that the players feel will be increased. As such, monsters from following dungeons will also have their HP adjusted with this fix.

  • Pruinaum Raid Boss Monster
  • Abyss Raid Boss Monster
  • Varnimyr Raid Challenge Mode Boss Monster
  • Pruinaum Raid Challenge Mode Boss Monster

We apologize for any inconvenience you may feel from the damage effect fix. To mitigate the inconvenience that may arise from the fix, we will have a Weapon +13 enhancement effect buff for the following duration.

*Weapon +13 enhancement buff duration: 05/10 00:00 ~ 05/16 23:59 PDT.

★ Character


  • Fixed unnatural legs when performing certain custom motions after equipping Early Winter Busking Bottom Piece.
  • Fixed unnatural graphics when performing certain custom motions after equipping ‘BTS’ RUN Bottom Piece.


  • Fixed feet size when equipping Netherworld Shoes.

[Code: Electra]

  • Fixed skill cut-in not showing when using Giga Stream or Sweep Rolling skills.

[Code: Battle Seraph]

  • Fixed skill cut-in not showing when using Linear Divider skill.


  • Fixed unnatural location of Elks Great Antlers accessory when equipped.


  • Fixed unnatural location of Elks Great Antlers accessory when equipped.


  • Fixed Extreme Heavenly Love skill showing as a passive in Noah’s Base Class.

★ Dungeon/PvP/Field

  • During Varnimyr Raid [Story/Normal] Crimson Cradle of Flames Phase 2 Berserk Fire pattern and Challenge Mode Recluse [Fire] pattern’s Berserk Fire pattern, fixed being able to push the boss with certain skills.


  • Fixed the phenomenon of the [Deals continuous damage by n% of damage dealt for 3 sec.] effect multiplying damage by the number of party members equipping the same effect.
  • Fixed using mouse scroll in custom list not scrolling down in certain situations.
  • Fixed UI sorting by letter not refreshing immediately when changing with special action keys with certain characters.
  • Fixed not being able to play the game normally when changing location after receiving a 1vs1 duel request.
  • Fixed the passive slot not being added immediately when Master Artifact reaches stage 4.
  • Fixed skill tooltip showing when you equip mod skill with mouse right-click and close the skill window at the same time.
  • Fixed full screen’s expanding function not functioning correctly in Item Mall after equipping certain custom motions.

Kamis, 04 Mei 2023

[Announcement] 2v2 12th Anniversary Tournament Bracket


(Round 1)
Musulmane | Mistinguette
vs LevelTaken
LevelAlone | ForestElf
Dark Galaxy
MoonHeroza | PhantasosBes
vs Los choripaneros
Nadelya | Asmodeoo
(Round 2)
Maguu Kenki Fanclub
GachaFunds | Cholly
vs ???
Simpathy for the Devil
Encylia | Wishlock
vs Worldwide
Starbie | NuriCho
As long as its awesome
HayaiArashi | AceSoI
vs Netorare
NTR | Zephyroza
Don’t stand near ledges.
Shennae | Unchecked
vs Don’t Break
Xgastan | UrTyrant
STUNGUNMILLY | Quantumania
vs ???
Sinaloa Cartel
Haven | VerumRex
vs Chads Behind Silly Gals
Aureiliya | Roughness
SsllgHero | Liy
vs BeansAndRamen
we’re not concerned
Relevie | Darmoor
vs No Werfin
Mint | Tonberris


(Round 1)
SouldKing | DethGunGale
vs Cortar e Fatiar
Meyfes | Simbadd
Yiyu | Mimmue
vs The Clownpetition
Arcandanic | Coki91
(Round 2)
pangarés implacáveis
KotaLower | Polivalente
vs ???
Kathedras | ๛Haki
vs ManuPrice
MonPrice | AetherLila
Rubydeos | Astelina
vs ???
Intangis | Defz
vs The Losers
Giyu | Staius


(Round 1)
Melt in Pleasure
NyaruNya | Lambdaryllis
vs Royal Corps
Kslash | Pennycillin
ScarletAika | KaedeharaKei
vs uwu
๛Sทow | Aesticia
Yum Yum
๏Quartz๏ | Venevienz
vs The Riot
EndraGus | Izriva
Himisaki | AibaPingPong
vs Tiger Mafia Super Kicker
Zacial | ๛Geno
Mizunasi | ๛KoboKanaeru
vs Lolicon
Vamura | CuteRucchan
Me Khon SEA Mai Krub
Grawire | JRlaco
vs TwistedTricksters
RiriNakiri | MillimNarva
StepxStep | Sumirue
vs Tearlament
Falanrio | Nahaleen
Ebag | Cheekorita
vs Fallen Guardian
shintaro2032 | SKTHEKING02

5/10 Bug Fix Pre-Announcement

Dear Players,

Please note that the phenomenon of the [Deals continuous damage by n% of damage dealt for 3 sec.] effect multiplying damage by the number of party members equipping the same effect will be fixed. (The damage is shown as intended on the result screen.) We understand that fixing this bug will likely lead to the party’s total damage decreasing, or the difficulty level that the players feel will be increased. As such, monsters from following dungeons will also have their HP adjusted with this fix.

  • Pruinaum Raid Boss Monster
  • Abyss Raid Boss Monster
  • Varnimyr Raid Challenge Mode Boss Monster
  • Pruinaum Raid Challenge Mode Boss Monster

We apologize for any inconvenience you may feel from the damage effect fix.

To mitigate the inconvenience that may arise from the fix, we will have a Weapon +13 enhancement effect buff for the following duration.

*Weapon +13 enhancement buff duration: 05/10 00:00 ~ 05/16 23:59 PDT.

– Elsword Team

Rabu, 03 Mei 2023

NEW Hair Color Palette: Violet Mood!

Deep Blue Eyes

Selasa, 02 Mei 2023

May 3rd Patch Notes

★ On-going

  • Super Growth Event
    (2023-04-26 00:00 ~ 2023-05-23 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Class Change Event
    (2023-04-26 00:00 ~ 2023-05-02 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • Violet Mood Hair Color Palette
    (2023-05-03 00:00 ~ 2023-06-27 23:59)
  • Re-Order Shop
    • Winter Casual Hair
    • Love Messenger Hair
    • Elternal Wedding Hair
    • Hamel High Swim Team Hair
    • Autumn Travels Hair
    • Dear Little Bird Hair
    • Elrios Noir Hair

    (2023-05-03 00:00 ~ 2023-05-16 23:59)

  • Deep Blue Eyes (Elsword ~ Laby)
    (2023-05-03 00:00 ~ 2023-05-16 23:59)
  • Deep Blue Eyes (Noah)
    (2023-05-03 00:00 ~ 2023-06-27 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Noah Elpheus Ice Burner
    (2023-03-08 00:00 ~ 2023-05-02 23:59)
  • 2nd Ice Burner Skill Cut-In
    • Elsword Apostolos Skill Cut-In
    • Aisha Divinity of Seven Realms Skill Cut-In
    • Rena Lapis Arbiter Skill Cut-In
    • Raven Agent Nous Skill Cut-In
    • Eve Horde of Darkness Skill Cut-In
    • Chung Brilliant Knight Skill Cut-In
    • Ara Sanctus Seraphim Skill Cut-In
    • Elesis Eligos Skill Cut-In
    • Add Mechanic General Skill Cut-In
    • LuCiel Wander Marchen Skill Cut-In
    • Rose Flos Magica Skill Cut-In
    • Ain Rosa Lethe Skill Cut-In
    • Laby Ocean Pearl Skill Cut-In
    • Noah Aurora Mustika Skill Cut-In

    (2023-04-05 00:00 ~ 2023-05-02 23:59)

  • Re-Order Shop
    • Lord Academy
    • Spring Star Academy
    • Summer Star Academy
    • Velder Private Academy

    (2023-04-19 00:00 ~ 2023-05-02 23:59)

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