Rabu, 23 November 2016

Game Update: Early Stages Revamp – Play Today!

Hi, Elgang! Along with this week’s El Resonance update, we are introducing various improvements on the early phases of the game progression in Elsword. Keep reading for all the details!

Early Stages Revamp
November 23, 2016

  1.  Tutorial Improvement
    • If you have at least 1 character at Lv. 10 or above in your account, any new characters you create, from the second one onwards, will not undergo the Village & Field Tutorial.
    • Characters at Lv. 8 or above will not undergo the Village & Field Tutorial in any condition.
  2. Early Stages Guide (Village & Field Tutorial) Improvement
    • When you perform the Village & Field Tutorial after the initial tutorial, the Click button is shown more quickly.
    • After you clear the Village & Field Tutorial mode, your character level becomes Lv. 5.
    • When a character at Lv. 5 or above plays the tutorial dungeon (Ruben), EXP can’t be obtained.
    • EXP event does not apply to the Tutorial dungeon.
    • When you create a character, the basic skill previously equipped on A slot is move to C slot, and the skill from S slot is moved to A slot.
    • If you obtain skills by Lv. 10, the skills are equipped right away on the skill slots.
  3. Novice Explorer Equipment Cube
    • When you clear the quest ‘[Dungeon] William, you are too arrogant’, the reward ‘Novice Explorer Equipment Cube’ is given.
    • This cube shows the guide message “Please open Novice Explorer Equipment Cube” on the bottom inventory icon when it is opened.
  4.  Enhanced Job Change Quest Completion Reward
    • When you finish the 1st Job Change quest, [Cobo] Skill Slot Change Medal (15 days) is given.
    • When you finish the 2nd Job Change quest, [Cobo] Skill Slot Change Medal (30 days) is given.
    • When you finish the Transcendence quest, [Cobo] Skill Slot Change Medal (Transcendence) (15 days) is given.
  5. Hero Buff Guide Message and Pop Up Guide are Added
    • When you are matched automatically, Gather of Hero buff guide message is added on the place matching time and member are guided.
    • When you start with current member, explanation Gather of Hero buff is not adjusted is guided and check whether you want start with current member or not one more time.
  6.  Early Phase Epic Quest 2 Improvement
    • Epic quest 2’s sub quest 2-1 companion of explore!!, 2-2 COBO is deleted on the quest list,
    • (Pet) Polluted Life Crystal 3/3 quest reward is changed from Life Crystal (Pocket Phoru) into [Cobo] Wild Pocket Phoru (15 days, Fetch Aura included)
    • [Cobo] Wild Pocket Phoru (15 days, Fetch Aura included) is addded on selective reward for [Hoffman’s Trust].
    • If you summon [Cobo] Wild Pocket Phoru (15 days, Fetch Aura included), its status will be full at Hunger 100% and Affinity 100%.
    • ‘Cobo’s Special Long Bow’ is added to the selective reward for quest ‘[Dungeon] Magicians Who Scatter Darkness’.
    • “Cobo Special Weapon” is added to the selective reward for quest ‘[Dungeon] Mage Mischief’.
  7. Improvement on Receiving of Title ‘Ann’s Gift’
    • When you clear the condition of ‘Ann’s Gift’ quest, a pop up shows gain of ‘Ann’s Gift title’ and you can select whether to equip right away or not.
    • If you choose to equip right away, ‘Ann’s Gift’ title is equipped and title window is opened automatically.
    • The condition for acquiring Ann’s Present title has changed from clearing ‘[Field] Thief Phoru’ quest into clearing ‘[Dungeon] Protect the El’ quest.
  8. Miscellaneous Improvements (Basic option/Dungeon/Item)
    • After you create character and finish the tutorial, 20 HP potions and MP potions are equipped.
    • Ancient Phoru does not spawn at El’s Tree (Normal), even though you defeat Banthus, and dungeon is cleared.
    • Forest Ruins, White Mist Swamp, and Shadow Forest are changed into solo dungeons, same with El’s Tree dungeon.
    • In case the box is located on the 3rd floor at Forest Ruins 0, 1 stage, one box is newly added near the 2nd floor.
    • Box from the 3rd floor of White Mist Swamp 0 stage is now located on the 2nd floor.
    • In case box is located on 3rd floor of 1 stage, 1 box is newly added near the 2nd floor.
    • When you are matched automatically for party, indicator ‘Unknown’ is changed into 1 minute.
    • Normally, dropped equipment is obtained in status of +4 ~ 5 enhancement adjusted.
    • If you press ESC just one time, whole scenes for quest finish and quest received are skipped.
  9. Ruben ~ Altera Village/Field Revamp
    • Size of Ruben field decreased, several players can enter.
    • There’s only one field on Elder region. Resting area of Elder region is removed.
    • Fields of Bethma and Altera regions are removed. You can move from Bethma resting area to Altera or Feita regions.
    • Lv. 34 or above character can enter Feita region.
    • Size of Elder and Bethma villages are decreased and NPCs are relocated.
  10. Improved Early Stages Quest Performance
    • When you finished quest and [Finish right away] is shown, the button is flickered by the time your character level becomes 10 level when you click the button [Quest Finish].
    • Some of the epic quests are removed. The condition for performance is modified.
    • Condition to perform quest of Ruben field is relieved.
    • Quest and interlocked guides of Ruben region field are removed.
    • Condition to perform quest of Elder field is minimized and field boss is removed.
    • Condition to perform overall quests is relieved. The quest reward is modified.
    • Quest of 1st class up quest is reduced and condition to perform them is relieved.
  11. UI and Guide improvement
    • When dungeon is loaded, the previously incorrect Elsword Tip on the left bottom side is modified.
    • When you create a character, the background of nickname insert window is changed.
  12. Other improvements
    • Overall necessary EXP after Lv. 1 is modified.
    • After you clear a dungeon and click [Maintain Party], you will move to the village right away.
    • When you delete a character, you can reuse the character name (IGN) you chose for it right away. (The 2-week waiting period is removed.)

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