Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Character Balance Revamp

Check out new skills that are guaranteed to knock the socks off your enemies. You see the changes, and there’s no better way to test them out than to get in there and play!

Class Name Skill Name Revised details
Lord Knight Auto Guard – Dungeon Reuse time 0 sec ⇒ 14 sec
Wind Sneaker Swift Kicks – Physical Attack increment method changed
– 1 Level Magical Attack 3% ⇒ Physical Attack +300
– 2 Level Magical Attack 6% ⇒ Physical Attack +400
– 3 Level Magical Attack 9% ⇒ Physical Attack +500
– 4 Level Magical Attack 12% ⇒ Physical Attack +600
Grand Archer Ace in the Hole – While using the skill, the camera rotates to the front view.
Veteran Commander Victory Survival Strategy – Under specific HP, the HP does not decrease in Overheat
(Ex. When Passive level is 4 and the HP is below 21%, HP reduces only down to HP 20% during Overheat.
Blade Master Dash Jump zzzz – Attack able time increased
Yama Raja Energy Enhancement – Magical Attack increase method changed.
– 1 Level Physical Attack 6% ⇒ Magical Attack +300
– 2 Level Physical Attack 8% ⇒ Magical Attack +400
– 3 Level Physical Attack 10% ⇒ Magical Attack +500
– 4 Level Physical Attack 12% ⇒ Magical Attack +600
DP using skill – During Dynamo mode (Awakening), DP use 25% ⇒ 20%
Diabolic Esper Void Field – Space Expand 3347% ⇒ 2115%
– Heterogeneous Space 186% ⇒ 19%
– Additional attack consumes maximum 100 MP ⇒ Maximum 50 MP
– Restrain remaining time with additional attack 4 sec ⇒ 2 sec
Moonlight Rhapsody – Release Psionic Energy 3099% ⇒ 2506%
– 1 time stack 465% ⇒ 301%
– 2 times stack 930% ⇒ 602%
– 3 times stack 1395% ⇒ 903%
– Adjusted for PvP
Dynamo Configuration – Attack range decreased
– Reverse Field – Gravity Field 290% ⇒ 179%
  – Gravity Station Field 290% ⇒ 179%
Seal of Time – [Advanced] skill effect changed
>> Time Reverse Debuff effect decrease to 60 sec
⇒ Time Reverse Debuff effect decrease to 60 sec (Dungeon)
– Remember Maximum HP 100%(Dungeon) / 50%(PvP)
   ⇒ Remember Maximum HP 50%(Dungeon) / 30%(PvP)
Dynamo Configuration\n- Space Crack – Space Crack 214% ⇒ 143%
– Additional Attack 214% ⇒ 64%
– skill ability reduced in PvP
Reverse Stigma – Reverse Stigma 1662% ⇒ 1290%
– Reverse Stigma adjusted for PvP
– Consume 167% ⇒144%
– Consume adjusted for PvP
Nasod Armor Mode – Overlimit – After using Nasod Overlimit skill, MP/DP achieved will be on the tooltip.
  >> 10% MP recovery from using skills
  >> 10% DP recovery from using skills
– Removed tool tip
  >>  n% MP achieved per level
  >>  n% DP achieved per level
– 1 Level Nasod Armor Command Attack +35% ⇒ 40%
– 2 Level Nasod Armor Command Attack +40% ⇒ 50%
– 3 Level Nasod Armor Command Attack +45% ⇒ 60%
– 4 Level Nasod Armor Command Attack +55% ⇒ 70%
Time Control – Skill reuse reduction time will be fixed as 30% per each level.
– 1 Level natural MP recovery: 0.5 ⇒ 0.25
– 2 Level natural MP recovery: 0.75 ⇒ 0.5
– 3 Level natural MP recovery: 1.0 ⇒ 0.75
– 4 Level natural MP recovery: 1.25 ⇒ 1
– 1 Level DP use reduced: 3% ⇒ 4%
– 2 Level DP use reduced: 6% ⇒ 6%
– 3 Level DP use reduced: 10% ⇒ 8%
– 4 Level DP use reduced: 15% ⇒ 10%
Mind Circle – Configuration(Awakening): MP recovery +9 ⇒ 4
– Configuration(Awakening): MP recovery +12 ⇒ 6
– Configuration(Awakening): MP recovery +15 ⇒ 8
– Configuration(Awakening): MP recovery +18 ⇒ 10
– Dissolution(non-Awakening): DP recovery +9 ⇒ 4
– Dissolution(non-Awakening): DP recovery +12 ⇒ 6
– Dissolution(non-Awakening): DP recovery +15 ⇒ 8
– Dissolution(non-Awakening): DP recovery +18 ⇒ 10
ESP – Damage reduction rate fixed as 50% per each Level
Time Interference – Void Field constraining remain time increased 50% ⇒ 20%
– Reverse Stigma recalled enemy’s MP burn 30 ⇒ 10

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