Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

Ice Burner Revamp 2

We’ve changed up a few things on our Ice Burners once again and we think you’ll love the improvements. Continue reading to find out and then go get some Ice Burners to test it out!

Note: The Ice Burner Revamp will only be applicable to Celestial Master Ice Burners and costume pieces, and new Ice Burners to be released in the future. Old Ice Burners that will be returning (ex. Henir, Perkisas, Salvatore sets, etc) will not have a revamped IB system.

Basic Changes

  • Chance to receive a costume piece has increased significantly!
  • Players who receive costume parts (gloves, shoes, top piece, bottom piece, hair) from opening an Ice Burner will receive them in cube form which is tradeable. However, pieces like weapons and accessories will not be in cube form when received.
  • Opening a costume piece cube will yield a costume piece for that particular character.


Bonus Craft Items

  • New Ice Burners will no longer yield Ice Crystallines as bonus items. They will now be replaced with new bonus items depending on the kind of Ice Burner on sale. These bonus items can be used to make a rare accessory which will also differ on the Ice Burner currently on sale.
  • The bonus craft items of Ice Burners will be deleted when the sale of that particular Ice Burner ends.
  • Items and titles obtained by using Ice Crystallines will not be deleted.

Costume’s Effect

  • Equipping costume pieces (Top, Bottom, Gloves, Shoes, and Hair) will add a strike effect.
  • Equipping weapons, accessory 1, accessory 2, and accessory 3 (crafted from the Star Dusts) will activate a set effect.
  • Upon completion of the whole set, then following Endemic Effects will be activated when certain conditions are met:
    • Upon death: Black Hole effect will be activated (explosion damage + debuff effect)
    • Under normal circumstances: a star effect will be created every 7 seconds until the character already has 3 stars (max). When the character attacks, the stars will deal projectile damage to the target.


Black Hole Effect


Debuff Effect

Item Tradability

  • Only the Celestial Master Costume Pieces and Cubes will be tradeable.
  • Old Ice Burner sets returning to the Item Mall will not have tradeable cube pieces. They will still need to be in their sealed status to be traded.

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