Rabu, 12 April 2017

April Fool’s Dungeon Becomes Semi-Permanent!

We know you enjoyed your time becoming Edel’s butler for a day and the costume rewards are so worth it! That’s why we’re turning it into a semi-permanent dungeon so you could complete your costumes and enjoy the dungeon longer! Read on to find out the changes we’re making!

Edel’s Butler Trial Gift Cube Contents Updated.

Edel’s Butler Trial Gift Cube

April Fool’s Butler and Maid Textile Elixir

April Fool’s Butler and Maid Craft Elixir

April Fool’s Butler and Maid Memory Elixir

[Cobo] Sebastian’s Reference

Vigor Potion x 10

Organic Apple x10

Mana Elixir x10
  • The Exciting April Fool’s Day Box and NPC’s Magical Potion Cube will be removed.
  • Due to the removal of certain components, the chance of acquiring the rewards have been adjust accordingly.


Exchange Materials Updated

NPC Material Reward
Ariel April Fool’s Butler and Maid Textile Elixir x43 [Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Weapon Cube – Black x1
April Fool’s Butler and Maid Textile Elixir x30 [Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Top Piece Cube – Black x1
[Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Top Piece Cube – Another Black x1
[Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Bottom Piece Cube – Black x1
 [Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Hair Cube – Black x1
April Fool’s Butler and Maid Textile Elixir x15 [Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Shoes Cube – Black x1
[Cobo] April Fool’s Maid and
Butler Gloves Cube – Black x1
April Fool’s Butler and Maid Craft Elixir x21 Part Time Butler’s Glasses (2p) x1
Part Time Maid’s Headpiece (2p) x1
Maid’s Earring (2p) x1
April Fool’s Butler and Maid Memory Elixir x15 [Cobo] April Fool’s Butler and
Maid Custom Skill Cut-In Cube x1


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