Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Guild Information Window Improvement

We’re changing up the guild information window and making it more streamlined so it’s easier and more intuitive to use!

  • Guild information window has been downsized and can now offer guild member information.


  • When clicking on a guild member, their connection status and information will appear.
  • Right-clicking the member name will display the options to invite to a party or to expel from Guild (based on Guild Rank and given Authority).

Changes in UI Location


  • You can now open other windows (Quest, Character, etc) or chat with another player with the guild window open since the UI has been downsized and relocated to the right side of the screen.
  • Message and guild activity tab have been combined and will now be called Message.
  • Use this new message tab to filter different types of messages you see. The filter options are: All, Activity, Message, Chat, Party, Offer, and Trade.


  • The UI size of the Guild Member Information has been reduced. Messages that are too long can be seen by hovering over it.
  • The number of guild members logged will be shown at the bottom of the screen.
  • Hovering the mouse over a member’s name in the Guild Information tab and the Guild Member Information tab, will highlight the name in yellow.



Now: All changes in guild authority will be set in real time without the need to re-login.

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