Rabu, 15 November 2017

Spooky Hide-and-Seek is Now Permanent!

The Spooky Hide-and-Seek event dungeon is now permanent.
With that, there are several changes made.

The graveyard will only be open during specific hours:

01:00 ~ 02:00
13:00 ~ 14:00
18:00 ~ 19:00
21:00 ~ 22:00

Players’ free daily entrance tickets will not be consumed
to enter this dungeon
Ariel’s Exchange List for the dungeon rewards also changed.

Required Items Rewards
Exchange Item Name Req. Amount Item Name Amount Expiration (days)
ALL Witch’s Token 3 [Cobo] Pumpkin Flavored Candy 1
SELECT 30 [Cobo] Haunting Zombie 1 7
30 [Cobo] Haunting Mummy 1 7
30 [Cobo] Haunting Ghost 1 7

Other Changes:

  • Monster AI has improved.
  • Guide messages will be easier to read.
  • Entering the dungeon from the field will no longer
    be allowed.
  • Ariel will no longer craft ‘[Cobo] Haunting
    Halloween’ accessory

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