Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

Upcoming Quality of Life Changes (July 11th Update)



[Free Skill Slot Medal/Quick Slot]
All characters’ b slot and quick slot expansion will be free.
* Transcendence Skill Slot will not be expanded for free but you can acquire it by clearing a quest or purchasing it from the ED Shop in the Item Mall.

[ED Shop Update]
ED Shop contains Skill Slot Medal (Transcendence), Adult Pet, Fetch Aura, Costumes per Character, and etc. will be sold.
* Items purchased from the ED Shop can be stored in the share bank but cannot be traded.

[NPC Reward Exchange Function Change]
When exchanging multiple Random items from an NPC, you can receive different items.


[Beginning Section Improved]

– Noah’s Lake field will disappear and Elder Town and Ruben Town will be directly connected via porta.
– Quests related to Fields will either disappear or have their quest rewards and exp will be changed.
– Elrios Guide will be changed to Contents Guide and can be searched by key words.
– Required Level for Ereda Island and Quests will be changed to Lv.90.
– Quests related to Luto Mode will require Lv.75.

[Skip Function Improved]
– When a Lv.5 or higher character uses the Quest Skip function, they will receive 50% of the EXP and receive the reward item.
(However, ED will not be rewarded and some quests related to Secret/Heroic Dungeons will not be skippable.)
– Recommended level for dungeons will be displayed on the dungeon select screen.

[Elrios Studio Quest Removed]
– All quests related to Elrios Studio will be removed. (Players with already accepted quests can still complete it.)
Quests rewards like ‘High-Performance Nasod Megaphone’ and ‘Cobo Entertainment Studio’ can be purchased from the Item Mall using K-Ching or ED.
However, items purchased from the ED Shop will be tagged [Cobo] and cannot be traded.

[Mentor Quest Improved]
– Mentor Quest requirement will be improved.

Quest Name Before After
Elrios Mentoring Qualifications Clear Secret Dungeon 5 Times Clear Secret Dungeon 3 Times
Clear Heroic Dungeon 5 Times Clear Heroic Dungeon 3 Times
Clear Gates of Darkness 5 Times Clear Gates of Darkness 3 Times
Use Cobo Express 5 Times
Win Official PVP 3 Times Win Official PVP 1 Time


  Before After
Mentor & Pupil Status End Pupil Reach Lv.70 Until either Mentor or Pupil ends the status
Mentor/Pupil Penalty When the Mentor & Pupil status ends via the Pupil reaching Lv.70, both Mentor & Pupil will not receive any penalty. When the Pupil reaches Lv.99 and the Mentor & Pupil status ends, both will not receive any penalties.
Quest Item [Certificate of Beginning, Certificate of Growth] Will be given to the Mentor when the Pupil advances to 1st & 2nd Job. [Certificate of Beginning, Certificate of Growth] Will be given to the Mentor when the Pupil advances to 1st & 2nd Job. However, if the Pupil reaches it after reaching Lv.99, it won’t be given to the mentor.
Status End Button When reaching Lv.70, the Mentor & Pupil status will be removed and the button will disappear. Even if Lv.70 is reached, Mentor & Pupil status will not end and the button will also not disappear.
(Even if Lv.99 is reached, the status will not end and the button won’t disappear.)
Requirement for Mentor 1) Must complete Elrios Mentoring Qualifications Quest
2) Must be over Lv.70 and advance to 2nd Job
1) Must complete Elrios Mentoring Qualification Quest
2) Must be Lv.99 and advance to 2nd Job.
Mentor Quest Quest requirements will be shown but the quest won’t be completed if you do not have a pupil. You can complete the quest when Lv.70 is reached. Quest requirements will be shown but the quest won’t be completed if you do not have a pupil.
Quest can be completed when Lv.99 is reached.
* When you have a Pupil: If the pupil’s level is 99, quest requirement will not be completed.
Pupil Quest Even if the quest is in progress, if Lv.70 is reached, the quest will no longer be visible. Even if the quest is in progress, if Lv.99 is reached, the quest will no longer be visible.
Mail When your pupil reaches lv.70, a mail will be sent. When your pupil reaches Lv.99, a mail will be sent. Messages sent to Pupil and Mentor will slightly vary.
Quest Tooltip Edit Tooltip for the below quests will be changed.

1) [Mentor] Special Training for Growth
2) [Mentor] Special 1:1 Lesson

 [El Resonance Quest Improved]

Quest Name Before After
Another Power!
El Resonance!
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Elder (1 Time) Slay Secret Dungeon Boss 7 Times
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Bethma (1 Time)
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Altera (1 Time)
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Velder (1 Time)
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Hamel (1 Time)
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Sander (1 Time)
Slay Secret Dungeon Boss: Lanox (1 Time)
Collect El Resonance Device Collect El Resonance Device

 [Camilla’s Skill Quest Improved]

– Camilla’s Intermediate/Advanced/Expert Manual quests will be improved like below.

Before After
Quest Name Minimum Dungeon Clears Overall Clears Minimum Dungeon Clears Overall Clears
Camilla’s Intermediate Training 1/5 0 10 0 5
Camilla’s Intermediate Training 2/5 1 1
Camilla’s Intermediate Training 3/5 4 1
Camilla’s Intermediate Training 4/5 3 1
Camilla’s Intermediate Training 5/5 2 2
Camilla’s Advanced Training1/5 0 15 0 6
Camilla’s Advanced Training2/5 1 1
Camilla’s Advanced Training3/5 8 2
Camilla’s Advanced Training4/5 3 2
Camilla’s Advanced Training5/5 3 1
Camilla’s Expert Training 1/5 0 20 0 7
Camilla’s Expert Training 2/5 1 1
Camilla’s Expert Training 3/5 13 2
Camilla’s Expert Training 4/5 3 2
Camilla’s Expert Training 5/5 3 2

 [Stamina Improved!]
– Stamina spent from all dungeons and fields will be reduced and Ereda Island no longer consumes stamina.

[Old Character Inventory Expansion]
 – All old characters with Inventories smaller than 8 x 5 will be expanded to 8 x 5.

[Market Board ED Limit Increase]
Market Board ED Limit will increase from 3 Billion ED to 5 Billion ED.

[Share Bank Improvement]
You can now deposit ED in share bank. (Limit 5 Billion ED depending on the player’s Bank Rank)
– Share Bank now has a sort function.

[Secret/Heroic Dungeon, Elrianode City, and El Tower Defense can be entered 1 time a day for free]
– Free Daily Entry will reset every midnight server time.

[Secret Dungeon Tab]
– All Secret Dungeons will be moved to a Secret Dungeon tab. The Secret Dungeon tab will be opened at Lv.70.

[Heroic Gear Improved]
– All Heroic Gears can no longer go below Heroic Rank Lv.10.


[Equipment Enhancement Safe to +8!)]
– Equipment Enhance can no longer fail up to +8.

[Apocalypse Type – Void Weapon Cube can now be share banked.]

[As you clear Add’s Energy Fusion Theory Dungeon without getting the Weapon Drop, the chances of the weapon cube dropping will increase.]
* Even if you don’t pick-up the weapon cube, once it drops, the increased drop rate will reset.

[Epic PVP Quest Improved]
– Required level for quest will become Lv.75 and the quest will become easier.
– When clearing an Epic PVP Quest, you will be given Camilla’s Sparring Equipment Cube (+8) as a reward.

Before After
Quest Name Reward Quest Name Reward
[PVP] Champion’s Condition! Growth! Sparring Magic Stone [Attack Speed] [PVP] Champion’s Condition! Growth! Sparring Magic Stone [Attack Speed]
[PVP] Champion’s Condition! Socket! Sparring Magic Stone [MP Gain on Attack] [PVP] Champion’s Condition! Socket! Sparring Magic Stone [MP Gain on Attack]
El Shard (Unknown) El Shard (Unknown)
[PVP] Champion’s Condition! Attribute! Camilla’s Sparring Equipment Cube Camilla’s Sparring Equipment Cube
[PVP] Champion’s Condition! Equipment! Champion’s Accessories Cube [PVP] Champion’s Condition! Equipment! Champion’s Accessories Cube
[PVP] Champion’s Condition! Accessories! Magic Necklace (II) [PVP] Champion’s Condition! Accessories! Magic Necklace (II)
Ring of Fury Ring of Fury
Nasod Prototype Goggles Nasod Prototype Goggles
[PVP] A New Champion Enters! Guardian Gladiator Accessories Cube [PVP] A New Champion Enters! Guardian Gladiator Accessories Cube
The Challenger The Challenger

 [Character Slot Revamp]
– Avg. Item Level will be removed from the Character Info UI but will be replaced by Combat/Defense Power.
Also, dungeon entry requirements will be changed from Item Level to Combat Power.
– You can now check the below options from the Stats window.

Critical Damage Boss Damage Received Reduction
Damage Dealt to Boss Increase Recovery Item Effect Increase
Polarize: Damage Dealt and Received Increase MP
Normal Command Damage Increase Skill MP Cost Reduction
Active Skill Damage Increase Active Skill Cooldown Decrease
Tenacity Skill Damage Increase Tenacity Skill Cooldown Decrease
Strength Skill Damage Increase Strength Skill Cooldown Decrease
Bravery Skill Damage Increase Bravery Skill Cooldown Decrease
Hyperactive Skill Damage Increase EXP Gain Increase
Enemy Physical Defense Ignore ED Gain Increase
Enemy Magical Defense Ignore Item Drop Rate Increase

 – Some stats will be shown as % instead of numbers.
(Example: Maximize 572 à Maximize 4%)

[Item Revamp]
– Equipment set effect from beginning leveling part will be removed. (lv.1 ~ Lv.90, Secret Dungeon Excluded),
Magic Stone Enchant Socket numbers will increase depending on the level.
  Depending on the Rank of Lv.1 ~ Lv.90, Secret Dungeon Excluded, will be provided more random effects and will have the following effects.

Critical Chance (%)
Maximize (%)
Add Damage
Damage Reduction (%)
HP Increase (%)
Movement Speed (%)
Jump Speed (%)
MP Gain (Attack) (%)
MP Gain (Attacked) (%)
Attack Speed (%)
Critical Damage (%)
All Skill Damage Increase
Enemy Physical Defense Ignore (%)
Enemy Magical Defense Ignore (%)
Recovery Item Effect Increase (%)
Damage Dealt to Bosses Increase (%)
Damage Received from Bosses Decrease (%)
Skill MP Cost Reduction (%)
Polarize: Attack/Attacked Damage Increase (%)

 – Specialization A & B will be removed and the A & B options will be changed like below.

[If Specialization A & B is a fixed effect]
* Critical Chance, Maximize %
* Certain Set Effects or Title Effects will be changed.

[If Specialization A & B is a random option or a socket effect]
You can change to the below effect from Ariel.
* Critical Chance, Add Damage, Maximize, Add Damage, Attack Speed, Damage Reduction, MP Gain (Attack), MP Gain (Attacked)

– Specific Skill Damage Increase effect will no longer appear from equipment.
However, effects that existed before this change will remain and all new equipment will have ‘All Skill Damage Increase’ option.

[Old Ice Burner Improvement]
– Old Ice Burners will no longer require phoru footstamps to trade. You can now freely trade all Ice Burners without seals.

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