Rabu, 29 Agustus 2018

This Cutie Will Be Your New Companion!

Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

2v2 Tourney Registration Update

Current and Potential Tournament Participants: Attention Please

Starting immediately, we are going to be applying the following updates to the rules and regulations of the current, summer 2v2 tournament registration:

  • We will be removing the SSS Rank requirement from the Tournament
  • However, players will be required to hold at least E Rank or higher
  • To accommodate the aforementioned update, the Official Elsword 2v2 Tournament Registration has been Extended 1 Day

A brief explanation as to why these changes are taking place:

Because of the prizes that are on the table, we wanted to insure that serious, ranked Elsword PvP players had an opportunity to truly battle it out for some great prizes. Originally placing the SSS rank requirement on registration was one of the ways we’d be able to insure that those who have demonstrated a massive level of dedication to competition would have a shot as some cash and K-Ching. It wasn’t until later that we’d recognized that the entry barrier was way too high, and something we need to bring down to a suitable and realistic level that’s catered to a precedence we’ve kept before.

We know that it wasn’t too long ago that many Pro PvP players refused to wear an Arena Rank. Not necessarily out of spite, but because the focus was on Sparring, and a more level playing field. Though the Star Rank is quite the trophy to achieve, it’s not the only way to display an insanely amazing level of talent in PvP.

The PvP bracket has a lot of talent on it as we speak, but we’d like to open the roster up for those that don’t have the SSS+ ranks. We ask that you have a ranking (E or better) so that we can track your character and Job Path.

We’re extending the Registration cutoff until Tuesday Night, August 28th 23:59 PDT (UTC – 7).

We are far from perfect, and sometimes our ambition runs astray from the best way to execute an idea. But we learn, and we’ll adapt.

We sincerely apologize to any of those that feel as if the registration requirements were too high, or would take too much to gain in the period allotted, and we hope to see you at the tourney.

Elsword Team

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

Patch Notes

  • New Mod Skills Event
    (2018-08-22 After Maintenance ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
  • Summer Jumping Event
    (2018-08-08 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-28 23:59)
  • Raid Boss: Demon Realm Event
    (2018-08-08 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
Cash Items
  • Ice Burner
    • Ice Burner (Chess – Arena)
      (2018-08-22 After Maintenance ~ 2018-11-13 23:59)
  • Packages
    • Ice Burner (Chess – Arena) Trial Package
      (Limitation: once during event period)
      (2018-08-22 After Maintenance ~ 2018-11-13 23:59)
    • Ice Burner (Chess – Arena) 1+1 package
      (Limitation: 10 Per Account) (2018-08-22 After Maintenance ~ 23:59)
  • Costumes
    • Romantic Summer Costume
      (2018-08-08 After Maintenance ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
  • Packages
    • Romantic Summer Costume Package
      (2018-08-08 After Maintenance ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
    • Romantic Summer Costume Premium Package
      (2018-08-08 After Maintenance ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
  • Costumes Suit
    • Star Chef Costume Suit
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-28 23:59)
  • Customization
    • Summer Photo Shoot
      (2018-08-01 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-28 23:59)
  • Ice Burner
    • Dusk and Dawn Sovereign
      (2018-05-30 After Maintenance ~2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Costume
    • School Swimwear Costume
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain’s Wedding Costume
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain in Wonderland Costume
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Rose’s Els Grand Prix Costume
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Packages
    • School Swimwear Costume Package
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain’s Wedding Costume Package
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain in Wonderland Costume Package
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Rose’s Els Grand Prix Package
      (2018-07-04 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Dusk and Dawn Sovereign Trial Package (Buying Limit: 1)
      (2018-05-30 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Pet
    • Dusky
      (2018-06-06 00:00 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Dawny
      (2018-06-06 00:00 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Summons
    • Summon Stone: Celes
      (2018-07-25 After Maintenance ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Customization
    • Ocean’s Dance
      (2018-07-18 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • 2nd Job Quick Voice Added (KR voice). Stay tuned for when NA voice goes in the game!
  • When registering items on the market board, you can now sell unsealed items as long as you attach the corresponding foot stamp with it.
    • When the item is not sold, the attached foot stamp and seal count will not be used and the items will return to the inventory.
    • Posted item must have available sealing chances to apply.
  • Force Mod Skill Improvement
    • Method of acquiring Mod Skills have been changed!
      • Mod Skill Crafting Ticket will be dropped instead of Random Mod Skills.
      • Mod Skill Crafting Ticket can be used with Camilla to craft the Mod Skill of your choice. Cost of crafting is 500,000 ED.
    • Mod Skill Quest
      • After getting to 3rd Job, you can take a quest to acquire a Mod Skill per character.
    • Mod Skill Info Tooltip Function
      • Mouse over the Mod Skills and press Tab in the inventory, Item Crafting, and Item Cube will show the skill info tooltip.
  • Maximum character’s Equipment page will be increased from 2 to 3.
  • Maximum El Resonance page will be increased from 2 to 3.
  • Difficulty of Heroic dungeon will be lowered and limit for number of resurrection possible will be removed.
  • Info will be displayed if number of possessed resurrection stones are lower than the limit of resurrections possible in a Dungeon/Raid.
  • Number of remaining & number of resurrection possible, and resurrection stone possessed will be displayed for dungeons with limited number of resurrections.


  • Raid: Crimson Tower of Howling Flames
    • HP of Remnant of Crimson Calamity(Boss) is decreased.
    • Revise Damage for the Pillar of Fire used by Remnant of Crimson Calamity(Boss) to ignore character’s defense power.
    • Chance to summon Crimson Soul(Boss) is lowered.
    • HP of Crimson Soul(Boss) is decreased.
    • Improve Blackhole to give damage to the Crimson Memory.
    • HP of Crimson Memory is decreased.
    • HP of Crimson Calamity is decreased.
    • Fix a bug that some of the skill moves Crimson Soul(Boss) when it is used during Crimson Soul(Boss)’s wide area attack pattern.
  • Raid: Never-Ending Darkness
    • Fix a bug that player cannot move forward at the specific position in the center of Phase 1 map.
    • HP of Dark Observer(Boss) is decreased.
    • HP of Thorn prison summoned by Crimson Eye(Boss) is decreased.
    • HP recovery of Crimson Eye(Boss) when Character / Search Party dies, will be decreased.
    • Fix a bug that position of character shifts due to some skills used by Crimson Eye(Boss).
  • Raid: Crimson Cradle of Flames
    • Revise barrage pattern damage used by Malice(Boss) to ignore character’s defense power.
    • Revise Damage for the Pillar of Fire used by Recluse(Boss) to ignore character’s defense power.
    • Revise Damage for the laser attack used by Recluse(Boss) to ignore character’s defense power.
    • HP of Thorn summoned by Recluse(Boss) is decreased.
    • HP recovery of Dark Recluse(Boss) when Character / Search Party dies, will be decreased.
    • HP of Thorn prison summoned by Dark Recluse(Boss) is decreased.
    • HP of Thorn summoned by Dark Recluse(Boss) is decreased.
    • Change not to be affected by S Fire of Retribution debuff in some pattern of Dark Recluse(Boss).
    • Change to wait for some time after Dark Recluse(Boss) summons Thorn prison.
  • Item Mall
    • All limited duration accessories have been removed except for Mithril series.
    • Mithril Arm Support (Ain) & Mithril Arm Support (Rose) will have their cost reduced to 160 K-Ching
    • Cobo Express VIP Ticket (K-Ching) will be removed from the Item Mall.
  • Village NPC
    • Blue text that appears below village NPCs name will be removed.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the issue where the sockets for the Skill Cut-In were not applied in the Detailed Stats.
  • Lu/Ciel and Rose’s [Cobo] Summer Casual costumes are now available as well in the ED Shop.
  • Fixed the issue where the crops in the guilds members’ field not moving.
  • Your party member’s Skill Frame and Skill Cut-In for Hyperactives will not work if you turned the setting off in Options.


Get Your FREE Job Change Tickets Right Here!

Don’t miss getting your hand on this reward!
Login for 30 mins (per account) to get:

[Cobo] Job Change
Selection Cube
[Cobo] 1st Job Change Ticket x 1
[Cobo] 2nd Job Change Ticket x 1
[Cobo] Transcendence Job
Change Ticket x 1
[Cobo] 3rd Job Change Ticket x 1
hover icon
[Cobo] Job Change Selection Cube x1

You Can Now Attach Foot Stamps in Trades!

1 additional page for El Resonance and Equipment have been added.
Increasing the pages from 2 to 3!
  • When Trading via Market Board, you can now attach a foot stamp to trade the item instead of needing to seal it.
  • If the item is not sold, players will get the foot stamp back.
1. Item Tooltip Display Change
  a. Items that have remaining seal attempts left will still show a note that the item cannot be traded but that it can be traded once a Foot Stamp is attached.
2. Functions when registering for the Market Board
  a. Right-clicking on an item that is not sealed but has seal attempts left will display a different UI. Before, the tooltip would say “Cannot trade this item”, it has been changed to the message below:
When the player does not have the
right foot stamp to seal the item
When the player has the right foot
stamp to seal the item
Additionally, when players try to register an item
without attaching a foot stamp, a popup will appear
*Limited Time Foot Stamps (with expiration dates) cannot be attached.

RushAin Roulette Livestream (2v2 PVP Stream)

RushAin Roulette is back again!

Battle it out with the best of the best and come out champions!
The Rules are the same
Come to the SPARRING ROOM on
Anyone can participate (players can join once per character; alts allowed).
You just jump right in! No pre-made party necessary!
It’s first come, first serve.
Winners stay, losers leave.
The team with the longest win-streak will become the champion!
1. Titles, ERPs, and equipment
will be disabled
2. Same character cannot be on the same team (GM Rush will arrange the teams accordingly)

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

Server Maintenance from 12AM to 4AM PDT August 22nd

fi_servermaintenance_001Dear Players,

The game and web service will be down for scheduled maintenance during the specified time.

Game service unavailable from 12AM to 4AM PDT (4 hours)
Web service unavailable from 12AM to 3AM PDT (3 hours)

We’ll be up before you know it. Meanwhile, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google+ to get quick updates or drop us a line.

Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Lucky Enhancement Equipment will be going away!

Hiya El gang!

Here is to remind everyone that the Lucky Enhancement Equipment from the Enhancement event will be expiring at 8/21 23:59 PM PDT (UTC – 7)

If you have yet to extract your Lucky Amulets, you should do so before the Lucky Enhancement Equipment expires!



Elsword Team

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018

Emergency Game Server Maintenance from 12AM to 1AM PDT August 16th

fi_servermaintenance_001Hi, Elgang! The game service will be down for an emergency maintenance for the following duration:

Game server unavailable from 12AM to 1AM PDT (1 hour)

We’ll be up before you know it. Meanwhile, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google+ to get quick updates or drop us a line.

RushAin Roulette Livestream (2v2 PVP Stream)

It’s time to fight for glory and some light hearted fun!
Battle it out with the best of the best and come out champions!
Come to the Sparring Room on
Anyone can participate (players can join once per character; alts allowed).
You just jump right in! No pre-made party necessary!
It’s first come, first serve.
Winners stay, losers leave.
The team with the longest win-streak will become the champion!
1. Titles, ERPs, and equipment
will be disabled
2. Same character cannot be on the same team (GM Rush will arrange the teams accordingly)

More Merch On Elsword Amazon Shop!

The Official Elsword Amazon
Shop Has New Merch!

Check out the Amazon shop for all the fun and functional pieces that you’ll
be proud to own! You’re just a click away from getting your hands on ‘em!

Please note that each of the items are going to be available at different
times. The date for when these items become available
will be noted in the links.


REMINDER: Saturday All Day Burning is Close!

Take the Perfect Snap! Summer Photo Shoot Out Now!

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

Weekend Jumping Event Extension

Hello Players,

Due to our network issue during the Weekend Jumping Event, we will be extending the duration of the event by 30min.

Before: 6:30PM – 8:00 PM PDT (UTC – 7)
After: 6:30PM – 8:30PM PDT (UTC – 7)

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you,
Elsword Team

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018

Patch Notes

  • Raid Boss: Demon Realm Event
    (2018-08-08 MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Combat Power Jumping Event
    (2018-08-08 MA ~ 2018-08-28 23:59)
  • Lucky Enhancement Event
    (2018-07-28 ~ 2018-8-11 23:59)
  • Elriopoly
    (2018-07-18 ~ 2018-8-14 23:59)
  • Varnimyr: New Dungeons 3 & 4 Event
    (2018-07-25 After MA ~ 2018-08-07 23:59)
  • Guild Farm Event
    (2018-07-25 After MA ~ 2018-08-07 23:59)
Cash Items
  • Costumes
    • Romantic Summer Costume
      (2018-08-08 After MA ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
  • Packages
    • Romantic Summer Costume Package
      (2018-08-08 After MA ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
    • Romantic Summer Costume Premium Package
      (2018-08-08 After MA ~ 2018-09-04 23:59)
  • Accessory
    • Permanent Mana Mint Bubble Gum
      (2018-08-08 After MA ~ Permanent)
  • Ice Burner
    • Dusk and Dawn Sovereign
      (2018-05-30 After MA~2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Costumes
    • School Swimwear Costume
      (2018-07-04 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain’s Wedding Costume
      (2018-07-04 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain in Wonderland Costume
      (2018-07-04 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Rose’s Els Grand Prix Costume
      (2018-07-04 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Costumes Suit
    • Star Chef Costume Suit
      (2018-07-04 After MA ~ 2018-08-28 23:59)
  • Customization
    • Ocean’s Dance
      (2018-07-18 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Packages
    • School Swimwear Costume Package
      (2018-07-04 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain’s Wedding Costume Package
      (2018-07-04 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Ain in Wonderland Costume Package
      (2018-07-04 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Rose’s Els Grand Prix Package
      (2018-07-04 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Dusk and Dawn Sovereign Trial Package (Buying Limit: 1)
      (2018-05-30 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Lucky Enhancement Packages
      (2018-07-18 ~ 2018-08-11 23:59)
  • Pet
    • Dusky
      (2018-06-06 00:00 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
    • Dawny
      (2018-06-06 00:00 ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Summons
    • Summon Stone: Celes
      (2018-07-25 After MA ~ 2018-08-21 23:59)
  • Costume
    • Velder/Hamel Swim Team Costume
      (2018-07-11 After MA ~ 2018-08-07 23:59)
  • Packages
    • Velder/Hamel Swim Team Costume Package
      (2018-07-11 After MA ~ 2018-08-07 23:59)
  • Accessory
    • Temporary Mana Mint Bubble Gum
Balance Change
Force Skills
  • Hyper Acceleration
    • Remove all penalties
  • Lightning Chain
    • Number of hits that causes flinch has been reduced
  • Fog of Death
    • All speed decrease on enemies reduced from 7 sec. to 5 sec.

Additional Quality of Life Update:

  • 1st Class, 2nd Class, Transcendence Class Change Tickets will be sold in the ED Shop.
  • Stamina is 100% recovered when characters level up.
  • Allows to register 3 → 9 items on the Market board with free Sales Agent Service.
  • Energy Shards and Fusion Energy Disks will now be tradeable.
  • Equipment with Lv. 90 or lower character level requirement will be sealed when dropped.
  • Earlier stages will have the dungeon matching time adjusted.
  • All Dungeons in Elder excluding Shadow Forest: Max 10 sec.
  • All Dungeons in Bethma: Max 20 sec.
  • The final stages pop-up during individual trade will be adjusted to be up for at least certain duration.
  • The ‘Destruction of Time and Space’ debuff damage of ‘Usurper of Twisted Time and Space’ title is adjusted and will no longer exceed 50,000,000 per sec.
  • ‘Nephilim Lord’ in Forsaken Spirit Asylum dungeon will be changed to Boss rating.
    • Effect of Common Force, ‘Head Hunter’, will also be applied.
  • The Random Mission, ‘Deal <certain damage> to the [Boss Monster]!’ will no longer appear in Forsaken Spirit Asylum.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the ready motion when it is cancelled in Sparring Area under certain conditions.
  • Fixed the bug where water is refilled less by 1 and show the wrong remaining time until it gets refilled.
  • Fixed the boss monster in Dark Elves’ Outpost where it does not react if a player hits it at a certain range.


The Best Attire for The Best Summer is Here!

08/08/2018 – 09/04/2018 (Ends 23:59 PDT)
Dress Up For a Romantic Get Away!
Complete the look with a nice hat!

Permanent Bubble Gum Fun!

Accessory Effect:
Maximum MP Amount +30

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

Server Maintenance from 12AM to 5AM PDT August 8th

fi_servermaintenance_001Dear Players,

The game and web service will be down for scheduled maintenance during the specified time.

Game service unavailable from 12AM to 5AM PDT (5 hours)
Web service unavailable from 12AM to 1:30AM PDT (1.5 hours)

We’ll be up before you know it. Meanwhile, find us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google+ to get quick updates or drop us a line.

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018

Guild Expedition Reset

Hi ElGang!

As part of the activity done during the maintenance earlier today, the Guild Expedition record from 00:00 PDT to 3:00 PDT has been reset.

This reset includes the allocated daily entry for Guild Expeditions. Log in now and you should be able to do the run once again!

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

– Elsword Team

Reign Supreme in the Kitchen with Star Chef!

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