Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

You Can Now Attach Foot Stamps in Trades!

1 additional page for El Resonance and Equipment have been added.
Increasing the pages from 2 to 3!
  • When Trading via Market Board, you can now attach a foot stamp to trade the item instead of needing to seal it.
  • If the item is not sold, players will get the foot stamp back.
1. Item Tooltip Display Change
  a. Items that have remaining seal attempts left will still show a note that the item cannot be traded but that it can be traded once a Foot Stamp is attached.
2. Functions when registering for the Market Board
  a. Right-clicking on an item that is not sealed but has seal attempts left will display a different UI. Before, the tooltip would say “Cannot trade this item”, it has been changed to the message below:
When the player does not have the
right foot stamp to seal the item
When the player has the right foot
stamp to seal the item
Additionally, when players try to register an item
without attaching a foot stamp, a popup will appear
*Limited Time Foot Stamps (with expiration dates) cannot be attached.

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