Rabu, 05 September 2018

More Improvements are Here!

Raid (Story Mode)
  • A new story mode has been added to raids. It requires less combat power than the normal versions.
  • Story Mode rewards will only consist of Mystic Stones and other regular drops. Cubes will only drop in Normal mode raids.
Guild Quality of Life Improvements
Authority Settings
  • Guild Masters are now able to rename ranks using the Guild UI
  • Guild Masters are added to the authority window (all possible authority functions are checked and cannot be changed)
  • Players can now deposit an unlimited number of items. Withdrawals will be limited. Guild Masters can withdraw 20 times.
Guild Storage Improvement
  • A farm filter has been added to storage to quickly see guild farming related items.
Guild Expedition Improvement
  • Soloing Guild Expeditions up to stage 30 is now possible! Soloing will put back the deducted entry counts after clearing the expedition.
Guild Base Improvement
  • You can now use Cobo Express to return to the town you were in before entering the Guild Base.
  • When you enter the Guild Base using the Cobo Express, you will be returned to the same spot as you left
Guild Farm Improvement
  • Sorting order of members have been streamlined. You can now sort members and their farm plots according to: Farms players can water, Farms with at least 1 plot, Farms with nothing.
Other Improvements
  • Max number of guild members have been increased from 200 to 300.
    Max number of guild managers you can assign have also been increased to 30.
  • The Guild Master is now able to send in-game mail to all guild members.
    • Items or ED cannot be attached
    • And a fee of 200 per member is deducted from the Guild Master.
  • Receive more guild coins per quest!
  • New individual Guild Quests (Daily) will reward players with Antique Seed Pouch
  • The maximum duration for Guild Banners have been increased from 2 Days to 7 Days
  • Dormant Guild Masters can be changed immediately if the following conditions are met:
    • Inactivity for 6 months
    • When 50% of active members (active within 1 month)
      have approved of the Guild Master transfer.

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