Selasa, 08 September 2020

September 9th Patch Notes

[Maintenance Schedule]
2020-09-09 00:00 AM ~ 2020-09-09 04:30 AM PDT
  • Pruinaum Raid
    • Savage White – Ghost’s Castle
    • Altar of Invocation
  • New Raid Weapon
    • Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem
  • Amethystine Prophecy Equipment Color Change System
  • Mystic Stone Transfer System
  • Ranking Reward
★ Added
★ Ended
  • Pruinaum Dungeon Event 2
  • Pruinaum Dungeon Special Weekend Event 2
  • Pruinaum is Coming Event
  • Enhancement Event
  • Treasure Hunt Event
  • Premium IB Event
[Cash Items]
★ Added
  • Lapis Arbiter Ice Burner
    (2020-09-09 00:00 ~ 2020-12-01 23:59)
  • Lapis Arbiter Ice Burner 1+1 Package (Buying Limit: 10)
    (2020-09-09 00:00 ~ 2020-09-15 23:59)
  • Lapis Arbiter Ice Burner Trial Package (Buying Limit: 1)
    (2020-09-09 00:00 ~ 2020-12-01 23:59)
  • Amethystine Prophecy Color Change Ticket (Top Piece, Bottom Piece, Gloves, and Shoes)
    (2020-09-09 00:00 ~)
  • Mystic Stone Transfer Ticket (Red, Blue, Yellow, and Giant)
    (2020-09-09 00:00 ~)
★ Ended
  • Divinity of Seven Realms Ice Burner
    (2020-06-17 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Divinity of Seven Realms Ice Burner Special Package
    (2020-06-17 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Divinity of Seven Realms Ice Burner Trial Package
    (2020-06-17 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Divinity of Seven Realms Eyes
    (2020-07-08 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Lucky Fluorite Ore Package 1
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Lucky Fluorite Ore Package 2
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Lucky Fluorite Ore Package 3 (Buying Limit: 2 Per Day)
    (2020-08-19 00:00, 2020-08-29, and 2020-09-05)
  • Lucky Fluorite Crystal Package 1
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Lucky Restoration Scroll Package 1
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Lucky Restoration Scroll Package 2
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Premium IB Package (Divinity of Seven Realms) #01
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)
  • Premium IB Package (Divinity of Seven Realms) #02
    (2020-08-19 00:00 ~ 2020-09-08 23:59)

★ Final Battle: Berthe Raid Update – Savage White-Ghost’s Castle / Altar of Invocation

– Final Battle: Berthe Raid will be updated in Pruinaum region. Berthe Raid will have 2 dungeons which has 6 battles in total.

Dungeon Name Requirement Demon Realm Debuff # of players Resurrection Limit

Savage White-Ghost’s Castle

CP: 1,500,000 or higher
80% 3~6 players 3
Altar of Invocation

* You can check the raid progress of raid party members in Camp: Aurora.
*Berthe raid reward system, rest time, and ranking system is identical to the Varnimyr raid system.
Items related to Berthe Raid, such as Soul Trace Reset Ticket, Soul Crystal, and Soul Mark will be updated.
* Soul Mark / Soul Crystal exchange lists are as follows:


<Soul Mark>

Soul Mark x2 Red-Bean Sherbet x10
Soul Mark x2 Ancient Fossil Pill x10
Soul Mark x2 Adaptation Elixir
Soul Mark x80 Pruinaum Raid Weekly Clear Reward Cube
Soul Mark x500 Soul Trace Reset Ticket


<Soul Crystal>

Soul Crystal x20 Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem Cube
Soul Crystal  x5 Soul Trace Reset Ticket
Soul Crystal  x5 Mystic Stone Transfer Ticket
Soul Crystal  x5 Raid Accessory Cube
Soul Crystal  x3 Giant Mystic Stone Transfer Ticket
Soul Crystal  x2 Ancient Fossil Pill x300
Soul Crystal  x1 Shining Imprint Stone
(1 random crimson, indigo, or gold stone)


★ New Legendary Weapon: Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem

[Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem]

– You can make your Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem stronger through a 5 stage Advancement quest.
– Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem fixed effect and enhancement effect are as follows:

Fixed Effect Enhancement Effect
Adaptation +5% +10 enhancement
Physical, Magical Attack Power +10%
+11 enhancement
 Physical, Magical Attack Power +10Lv
Can have up to 3 imprint effect +12 enhancement– Polarize 7%
Mystic slot open +13 enhancement– Critical Damage 10%


★ Amethystine Prophecy Color Change Ticket / Mystic Stone Transfer Ticket

[Amethystine Prophecy Color Change Ticket]

Target Amethystine Prophecy Top Piece, Bottom Piece, Gloves, Shoes 
(Vermillion, Crimson, Cerulean, Cobalt, Sage, Violet)
How to Use the Amethystine Prophecy Color Change Ticket to change the color of your Amethystine Prophecy armor
(Vermillion, Crimson, Cerulean, Cobalt, Sage, Violet).
Available in the item mall after 09/09 (W) maintenance.
Color Change NPC NPC Denif (Elrianode)


[Mystic Stone Transfer Ticket]

Target Flames of Judgement – Demonic Weapon, Vestige of Soul
– Weapon of Requiem
How to Use the Mystic Stone Transfer Ticket to switch the mystic stones enchanted on two different weapons. (A ↔ B)
Transfer 1 entire row for Red, Blue, and Yellow mystic stones, while transferring 1 slot for Giant mystic stone.
Available in the item mall or through Soul Crystal exchange after 09/09 (W) maintenance
Mystic Stone Transfer NPC NPC Hugo (Elysion), NPC Alchemy Refiner (Elrianode)



 The text that pops up when using the Crimson Trace Reset Ticket will change.

– Before: Raid Dungeon Clear Rewards will be reset to allow rewards to be obtained again.
– After: Varnimyr Raid Dungeon [Normal or Story]’s Clear Rewards will be reset to allow rewards to be obtained again.

★ Item Mall Update

With the new ‘Ice Burner: Lapis Arbiter’ update, the list of obtainable items and chance of items will be adjusted.(The existing Ice Burner content and chance will remain the same.)


Item Name Amount
Epic NPC Card ‘Lowe’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Penensio’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Noah’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Speka’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Lime’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Amelia’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Edan’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Valak’ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Code: Q-Proto_00′ 1
Epic NPC Card ‘Apple’ 1
Magic Amulet Lv.7 1
Magic Amulet Lv.9 1
Magic Amulet Lv.10 1
Undying Fighting Spirit 1
Special Additional Damage Magic Stone (Normal) 1
Special Additional Damage Magic Stone (Rare) 1
Special Additional Damage Magic Stone (Unique) 1
Special Critical Magic Stone (Normal) 1
Special Critical Magic Stone (Rare) 1
Special Critical Magic Stone (Elite) 1
Special Action Speed Magic Stone (Normal) 1
Special Action Speed Magic Stone (Rare) 1
Special Action Speed Magic Stone (Unique) 1
Special Damage Reduction Magic Stone (Normal) 1
Special Damage Reduction Magic Stone (Rare) 1
Special Damage Reduction Magic Stone (Unique) 1
Trinity Force 1
Special HP Magic Stone (Normal) 1
Special HP Magic Stone (Rare) 1
Special HP Magic Stone (Unique) 1
Special Maximization Magic Stone (Normal) 1
Special Maximization Magic Stone (Rare) 1
Special Maximization Magic Stone (Unique) 1


Item Name Amount
Elrianode Boss Cube 1
Varnimyr Boss Cube 1
Rigomor Boss Cube 1
Fighter Potion 1
Adaptation Elixir 1
Steel Spinning Reel 1
Colorful Bobber 1
Special Additional Damage Magic Stone 1
Special Critical Magic Stone 1
Special Action Speed Magic Stone 1
Special Damage Reduction Magic Stone 1
Special Maximization Magic Stone 1
Special HP Magic Stone 1
Weapon Only Magic Amulet Lv.9 1
Weapon Only Magic Amulet Lv.10 1
Armor Only Magic Amulet Lv.9 1
Armor Only Magic Amulet Lv.10 1
Sage’s Magic Stone (2) Cube 1


Item Name Before After
El Shard (Mystery) 30 50
El Shard (Fire) 30 50
El Shard (Water) 30 50
El Shard (Wind) 30 50
El Shard (Nature) 30 50
El Shard (Dark) 30 50
El Shard (Light) 30 50

★ Character

[Rena] [Trapping Ramger]

  1. Fixed Humming Wind last hit not being able to collect enemies when using this skill in awakening.

[Laby] [Radiant Soul]

  1. Fixed last hit of Jump XZZX not hitting normally when using against a close enemy.
  2. Fixed [Mod] Want Candy? Not hitting normally when having high action speed against a close enemy.


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