Senin, 09 November 2020

Come & Join the GM Plays this November!

GM Plays is here once more and this time there’s more to do!
You can now run more regions with the GMs and we’ve added PVP
that rewards winners with TONS of K-Ching!

Now’s your chance! Join the fun!

We will be livestreaming the GM Plays at:


Have fun traversing these regions with your favorite GMs! It’ll be such a breeze!
Players will have a chance to join a GM during these days and times only:

(GM Parties open at 4:00 PM PT to 7:00 PM ET)

Nov 9 – Elrianode City
Nov 16 – Elrianode Tower Defense
Nov 23 – Forgotten Elrian Sanctum
Nov 10 – Guardian’s Forest
Nov 17 – Dark Elves’ Outpost
Nov 24 – Shadow Vein
Master Road
Nov 11 – Water Dragon’s Compass
Nov 18 – Spirit Sanctum
Nov 25 – Nasod Testing Chamber

Same rules as before!

  • When it’s about to begin, an In-Game Announcement will be made!
  • Check the FindParty UI and look for
    the GM rooms.
  • Apply to join and wait to be selected
    by the GM.
  • Once players have been selected,
    the dungeon run will start!

After every successful dungeon run, the GMs will give you your rewards via your mailbox!

GM’s Gift Cube

[Luriel] Highly Concentrated
Recovery Potion x50

Elixir Selective
Cube x3
Hover to view contents

*All “GM’s Gift Cube” items will be distributed by the following weekday after the player participated.
*If you do not receive “GM’s Gift Cube” Item from the mailbox, or do not open the cube, the item will be removed 2020-12-01 23:59 PST

[Ariel]Hedgehog Adventurer
Costume Suit (30 Days)
Hover to view contents

After you’ve conquered the dungeons with the GMs,
it’s time to test your mettle against each other and even against the GMs
on Thursdays and Fridays!

GMs vs Community
Nov 12 – Team Rush vs Team Raiden
Nov 19 – GMs vs the Community!
NA Only
Friday Pop-Up 2v2 Tournament
Nov 13 – All Equipment Allowed
Nov 20 – Sparring Equipment Only
A Special Discord Channel will be opened on
the Official Elsword Discord (
1 Hour prior to the Livestream for early registration!
Format: PVP League
Mode: Power
Kills: 4
Time: 420 Seconds
Map: Team Random

More Details on Tournament Rulings
will be included in the Special Discord Channel

NA Only

GM vs Community Rewards

If you win your match,
each player on the team will get:

Pop-Up 2v2 Tourney Rewards

1st Place (2,500 K-Ching each)

1st Place (1,500 K-Ching each)

3rd Place (500 K-Ching each)

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