Selasa, 26 April 2022

April 27th Patch Notes

[Maintenance Schedule]
2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-04-27 4:00 PDT
WEB (MyAccount, Billing, Customer Support)
2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-04-27 1:00 PDT

★ Added

  • Elrios Pass Season 1
  • UI Improvement (Daily/Weekly, Quest, Daily Reward Information)

★ Added

  • Quest UI Improvement Event
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-05-10 23:59)
  • Jump Master Event
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-05-10 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Raid Difficulty Improvement Event
    (2022-04-13 00:00 ~ 2022-04-26 23:59)
[Cash Items]

★ Added

  • Elrios Pass Season 1 (Premium)
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-07-19 23:59)
  • Pass 2000 XP Ticket
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-07-19 23:59)
  • Orange Puppy Costume Suit
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-05-24 23:59)
  • Noah Diamond Yaksha Ice Burner
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-06-21 23:59)
  • Noah Diamond Yaksha 1+1 Ice Burner Package (Buying Limit: 10)
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-05-03 23:59)
  • Noah Dragon Knight Ice Burner
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-06-21 23:59)
  • Noah Dragon Knight 1+1 Ice Burner Package (Buying Limit: 10)
    (2022-04-27 00:00 ~ 2022-05-03 23:59)

★ Ended

  • 8bit Sunglasses Accessory (Black/White)
    (2022-03-30 00:00 ~ 2022-04-26 23:59)
  • Elegant Flamingo Costume Suit Package
    (2022-04-01 00:00 ~ 2022-04-26 23:59)
  • Pet: Flamingo
    (2022-04-01 00:00 ~ 2022-04-26 23:59)
  • Pet: Flamingo Package
    (2022-04-01 00:00 ~ 2022-04-26 23:59)

★ Season Pass

Clear missions every day and receive various rewards with the Season Pass update. Season Pass will go on for 12 weeks. Once the season ends, you will no longer be able to receive the rewards.
Season Pass name may change each season.
* Elrios Pass Season 1 will be from 04/27 00:00 ~ 07/19 23:59.

  • 1. How to Use Season Pass
    • Click on the Season Pass UI at the top of the screen to enter.
    • Clear Daily/Weekly/Season missions to gain Season Pass EXP. Achieve specific levels to obtain Normal (Free)/Premium reward.
    • You can obtain Magic Amulet Lv.9 and other various rewards through Elrios Pass Season 1 Normal (Free) reward. If you purchase the premium pass, you can clear Season mission to obtain additional premium rewards including a Magic Amulet Lv.10.
  • 2. Season Pass Item Mall Item
    Item Name Item Effect
    Elrios Pass Season
    Season Mission Added.
    – Obtain even more special rewards such as Magic Amulet Lv. 10, Special Artifact Spirit Stone Select Cube and more.
    – Additional Dungeon Daily Special Reward available. Applied Dungeon: Gate of Darkness, Heroic Dungeon, Secret Dungeon, Varnimyr (Excludes Raid), Pruinaum (Excludes Raid), Pruinaum Outskirts, Tirnog, Guild Dungeon
    Pass 2000XP Ticket Obtain 2000 EXP on the current Season Pass.

★ In-Game UI Added/Changed

Daily Reward Info UI is added and Quest UI is changed.

  • 1. Daily Reward Info UI Added
    • Daily Reward Info will be put in to a separate UI to make it easier to manage in one glance.
    • Click on the quest button on the lower left corner. You can also set a hotkey to enter directly.
    • When you click on Dungeon Name or PvP, the Daily Reward UI will close and will open the respective Dungeon/PvP UI.
    • You can set favorites on the Daily Reward Info tab. Click on the star button on the left side of the Reward Info to save favorites. You can save up to 5 favorites. (PvP not possible.)
  • 2. Quest UI Change
    • A new tab will be added that shows Daily/Weekly quest. Story, Event, Epic quests will be shown in Normal tab.
    • An exclamation mark will show on top of the tab when there’s a completed quest.
    • Even when you right-click on Daily/Weekly quest so it doesn’t show on the Quest Helper (Tab), the quests will be accepted automatically. However, the quest will not be visible on the Quest Helper (Tab) even after completing the quest.
    • Acceptable Quest Limit will only apply to Normal/Repeat quests. You can accept up to 20 Normal/Repeat quests.
    • The Secret Dungeon/Heroic Dungeon/Gate of Darkness Daily/Weekly Quest rewards will now be given upon clearing the dungeons.
    • The changed Daily Special Rewards Info is as follows.
      Dungeon Name Before After
      Secret Dungeon 2 El Reward for Daily Quest,
      3 El Reward for Weekly Quest
      * Max 17 per week
      2 El Reward for Daily Special Quest,
      (Max 4 rewards with 2 Secret dungeons open every day)
      * Max 28 per week
      Heroic Dungeon 2 Heroic Certification for Daily Quest
      3 Heroic Certification for Weekly Quest
      * Max 17 per week
      1Heroic Certification for Daily Special Quest
      (Max 3 rewards per day)
      * Max 21 per week
      Gate of Darkness 30 Demon Realm Energy for Daily Quest
      * Max 60 per day
      Additional 10 Demon Realm Energy from Daily Clear Special Reward
      (Receive reward up to 3 times daily)
      * Max 60 per day

★ Character

  • [Raven] [Mutant Reaper]

    1. Added text (Freeze duration) that wasn’t included in [Enhanced] Grasp skill.
    Added [Dungeon/PvP] Freeze Duration: 2 sec.

  • [Ara] [Apsara]

    1. Flow of Chi tooltip is improved.
    Before: Gaining energy will activate [Flow of Chi] buff which in turn gives more power to your attacks.
    After: Gaining or recovering energy through skill will activate [Flow of Chi] buff which in turn gives more power to your attacks.

  • [Lu/Ciel] [Diabla]

    1. Fixed Option – Game setting’s enemy effect visibility adjustment affecting Nightmare skill’s blind effect.

  • [Laby] [Daydreamer]

    1. Fixed Bibi…! skill’s bleed debuff not showing the number of stacks.

    [Radiant Soul]

    1. Fixed abnormal damage to midboss through activating [Hello, Laby] after learning One Step Forward.

★ Item

  • 1. Fixed Magic Wardrobe UI opening when using Magic Wardrobe Ticket with a character that should not be able to use the ticket.


  • 1. You can switch mod skill while a summoning skill is active.
    – Changing the skill that summoned the summon will remove the summon.
  • 2. Fixed scroll bar not appearing on El House Guest Book.
  • 3. Fixed being able to drag the dismount slot when on a mount.
  • 4. Fixed Party Buff per CP effects on Tenebrous Armor’s Shadow Effect and Artifact Spirit Stone effect being removed temporarily and reactivating on certain situations.

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