Rabu, 02 Agustus 2023

Nickname Reset Announcement

Hello Players,

In order to have more nicknames available for more adventurers, nicknames will be reset for accounts that have not been logged in for a long period. Please find the detailed information below.

[Nickname Reset Announcement]

  • Reset Date: 2023-08-30 00:00 Pacific Time
  • Reset Target: Character nickname that hasn’t logged on since 2020-09-01 00:00 Pacific Time
  • Details and Warning:
    1. Login data is checked per account instead of per character, so as long as at least 1 character was logged in since the target date, none of the character nicknames on the account will be reset.
    2. Even when the nicknames are reset, all other game information will still remain, and upon logging in, you can change to a new nickname.
    3. If you wish to keep your nicknames, please make sure to log in to at least 1 character in your account by 2023-08-30 00:00 Pacific Time.
    4. Reset names cannot be restored, and other adventurers will be able to claim them.
    5. The dates when the reset nicknames become available for use will be announced at a later date.

We will always strive to keep Elsword a fun experience for everyone.

Thank you.
-Elsword Team

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