Selasa, 21 Juli 2020

GM Plays: Varnimyr

Didn’t get a chance to run with the GMs last week?
Get ready to have your chance this week
in the exciting lands of Varnimyr!

Players will be able to interact and play with Elsword GMs in dungeon runs across Varnimyr where they can get rewards for being part of the team!

How It Works

Players will have a chance to join a GM during these days and times only:

Day Dungeon Server
22nd July 2020 | Wednesday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Guardian’s Forest NA/INT
23rd July 2020 | Thursday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Dark Elves’ Outpost NA/INT
24th July 2020 | Friday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Shadow Vein NA/INT
25th July 2020 | Saturday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Guardian’s Forest NA/INT
27th July 2020 | Monday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Dark Elves’ Outpost NA/INT
28th July 2020 | Tuesday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Shadow Vein NA/INT
Screenshot Find Party
  • When it’s about to begin, an In-Game Announcement will be made!
  • Check the FindParty UI and look for the GM rooms.
  • Apply to join and wait to be selected by the GM.
  • Once players have been selected, the dungeon run will start!


If you join a GM in a Dungeon Run, you’ll be eligible for a GM’s Gift Cube!

GM’s Gift Cube

[Luriel] Highly Concentrated
Recovery Potion x50
[Luriel] Elixir
Selective Cube x3
[Ariel] Hedgehog Adventurer
Costume Suit (30 Days)

[Luriel] Elixir Selective Cube
(Choose 1)
[Luriel] Ventus’ Wing (Elixir) x3
[Luriel] Rosso’s Calamity Wheel (Elixir) x3
[Luriel] Tracker’s Madness (Elixir) x3
[Luriel] Blessed Ventus’ Wings (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Denif’s Ice Orb (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Rosso’s Blazing Ring (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Blazing Bomb (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Giant Potion (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Giant Hand Potion (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Tracker’s Soul (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Baby Fairy Cradle (Elixir) x10

• All “GM’s Gift Cube” items will be distributed by the following weekday after the player participated.
• If you do not receive “GM’s Gift Cube” Item from the mailbox, or do not open the cube, the item will be removed 2020-08-11 23:59 PDT

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