Selasa, 28 Juli 2020

Join GM Plays: Elrianode Today!

Let’s return to Elrianode for more fun-filled GMs runs where you can interact with your favorite GMs and get awesome rewards! Jump on the chance to join today!

How It Works

Players will have a chance to join a GM during these days and times only:

Day Dungeon Server
29th July 2020 | Wednesday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Elrianode City NA/INT
30th July 2020 | Thursday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Forgotten Elrian Sanctum NA/INT
31st July 2020 | Friday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Elrianode Tower Defense NA/INT
1st August 2020 | Saturday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Elrianode City NA/INT
3rd August 2020 | Monday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Forgotten Elrian Sanctum NA/INT
4th August 2020 | Tuesday |
5:00 PM PT – 7:00 PM PT
Elrianode Tower Defense NA/INT
Screenshot Find Party
  • When it’s about to begin, an In-Game Announcement will be made!
  • Check the FindParty UI and look for the GM rooms.
  • Apply to join and wait to be selected by the GM.
  • Once players have been selected, the dungeon run will start!


If you join a GM in a Dungeon Run, you’ll be eligible for a GM’s Gift Cube!

GM’s Gift Cube

[Luriel] Highly Concentrated
Recovery Potion x50
[Luriel] Elixir
Selective Cube x3
[Ariel] Hedgehog Adventurer
Costume Suit (30 Days)

[Luriel] Elixir Selective Cube
(Choose 1)
[Luriel] Ventus’ Wing (Elixir) x3
[Luriel] Rosso’s Calamity Wheel (Elixir) x3
[Luriel] Tracker’s Madness (Elixir) x3
[Luriel] Blessed Ventus’ Wings (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Denif’s Ice Orb (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Rosso’s Blazing Ring (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Blazing Bomb (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Giant Potion (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Giant Hand Potion (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Tracker’s Soul (Elixir) x10
[Luriel] Blessed Baby Fairy Cradle (Elixir) x10

• All “GM’s Gift Cube” items will be distributed by the following weekday after the player participated.
• If you do not receive “GM’s Gift Cube” Item from the mailbox, or do not open the cube, the item will be removed 2020-08-11 23:59 PDT

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